In previous post we saw Sorting of Data
In Autodataset we can find out the top or bottom rank in terms of the specifications of the cars. Like which car has the most mileage, and which car has the least mileage. Sorting helps us in getting such results. The below data set would help us in sorting the data into either ascending order or descending order.
1. AutoDataset
2. Sort the dataset based on length
3. Sort the dataset based on length descending
- Import AutoDataset
>AutoDataset <- read.csv("C:\\Users\\venk\\Google Drive\\Training\\Datasets\\Automobile Data set\\AutoDataset.csv") >str(AutoDataset)
## 'data.frame': 205 obs. of 26 variables: ## $ symboling : int 3 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 ... ## $ normalized.losses: Factor w/ 52 levels "?","101","102",..: 1 1 1 29 29 1 27 1 27 1 ... ## $ make : Factor w/ 22 levels "alfa-romero",..: 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... ## $ fuel.type : Factor w/ 2 levels "diesel","gas": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... ## $ aspiration : Factor w/ 2 levels "std","turbo": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 ... ## $ num.of.doors : Factor w/ 3 levels "?","four","two": 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 ... ## $ : Factor w/ 5 levels "convertible",..: 1 1 3 4 4 4 4 5 4 3 ... ## $ drive.wheels : Factor w/ 3 levels "4wd","fwd","rwd": 3 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 ... ## $ engine.location : Factor w/ 2 levels "front","rear": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... ## $ wheel.base : num 88.6 88.6 94.5 99.8 99.4 ... ## $ length : num 169 169 171 177 177 ... ## $ width : num 64.1 64.1 65.5 66.2 66.4 66.3 71.4 71.4 71.4 67.9 ... ## $ height : num 48.8 48.8 52.4 54.3 54.3 53.1 55.7 55.7 55.9 52 ... ## $ curb.weight : int 2548 2548 2823 2337 2824 2507 2844 2954 3086 3053 ... ## $ engine.type : Factor w/ 7 levels "dohc","dohcv",..: 1 1 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ... ## $ num.of.cylinders : Factor w/ 7 levels "eight","five",..: 3 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... ## $ engine.size : int 130 130 152 109 136 136 136 136 131 131 ... ## $ fuel.system : Factor w/ 8 levels "1bbl","2bbl",..: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ... ## $ bore : Factor w/ 39 levels "?","2.54","2.68",..: 25 25 3 15 15 15 15 15 12 12 ... ## $ stroke : Factor w/ 37 levels "?","2.07","2.19",..: 6 6 29 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 ... ## $ compression.ratio: num 9 9 9 10 8 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.3 7 ... ## $ horsepower : Factor w/ 60 levels "?","100","101",..: 7 7 22 4 10 6 6 6 17 25 ... ## $ peak.rpm : Factor w/ 24 levels "?","4150","4200",..: 12 12 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 ... ## $ city.mpg : int 21 21 19 24 18 19 19 19 17 16 ... ## $ highway.mpg : int 27 27 26 30 22 25 25 25 20 22 ... ## $ price : num 13495 16500 16500 13950 17450 ...
- Sort the dataset based on length
>Autodataset_sort <- AutoDataset[order(AutoDataset$length),] >head(Autodataset_sort)
## symboling normalized.losses make fuel.type aspiration num.of.doors ## 19 2 121 chevrolet gas std two ## 31 2 137 honda gas std two ## 32 2 137 honda gas std two ## 33 1 101 honda gas std two ## 34 1 101 honda gas std two ## 35 1 101 honda gas std two ## drive.wheels engine.location wheel.base length width height ## 19 hatchback fwd front 88.4 141.1 60.3 53.2 ## 31 hatchback fwd front 86.6 144.6 63.9 50.8 ## 32 hatchback fwd front 86.6 144.6 63.9 50.8 ## 33 hatchback fwd front 93.7 150.0 64.0 52.6 ## 34 hatchback fwd front 93.7 150.0 64.0 52.6 ## 35 hatchback fwd front 93.7 150.0 64.0 52.6 ## curb.weight engine.type num.of.cylinders engine.size fuel.system bore ## 19 1488 l three 61 2bbl 2.91 ## 31 1713 ohc four 92 1bbl 2.91 ## 32 1819 ohc four 92 1bbl 2.91 ## 33 1837 ohc four 79 1bbl 2.91 ## 34 1940 ohc four 92 1bbl 2.91 ## 35 1956 ohc four 92 1bbl 2.91 ## stroke compression.ratio horsepower peak.rpm city.mpg highway.mpg price ## 19 3.03 9.5 48 5100 47 53 5151 ## 31 3.41 9.6 58 4800 49 54 6479 ## 32 3.41 9.2 76 6000 31 38 6855 ## 33 3.07 10.1 60 5500 38 42 5399 ## 34 3.41 9.2 76 6000 30 34 6529 ## 35 3.41 9.2 76 6000 30 34 7129
- Sort the dataset based on length descending
>Autodataset_sort2 <- AutoDataset[order(-AutoDataset$length),] >head(Autodataset_sort2)
## symboling normalized.losses make fuel.type aspiration ## 74 0 ? mercedes-benz gas std ## 71 -1 93 mercedes-benz diesel turbo ## 72 -1 ? mercedes-benz gas std ## 48 0 145 jaguar gas std ## 49 0 ? jaguar gas std ## 75 1 ? mercedes-benz gas std ## num.of.doors drive.wheels engine.location wheel.base length ## 74 four sedan rwd front 120.9 208.1 ## 71 four sedan rwd front 115.6 202.6 ## 72 four sedan rwd front 115.6 202.6 ## 48 four sedan rwd front 113.0 199.6 ## 49 four sedan rwd front 113.0 199.6 ## 75 two hardtop rwd front 112.0 199.2 ## width height curb.weight engine.type num.of.cylinders engine.size ## 74 71.7 56.7 3900 ohcv eight 308 ## 71 71.7 56.3 3770 ohc five 183 ## 72 71.7 56.5 3740 ohcv eight 234 ## 48 69.6 52.8 4066 dohc six 258 ## 49 69.6 52.8 4066 dohc six 258 ## 75 72.0 55.4 3715 ohcv eight 304 ## fuel.system bore stroke compression.ratio horsepower peak.rpm city.mpg ## 74 mpfi 3.8 3.35 8.0 184 4500 14 ## 71 idi 3.58 3.64 21.5 123 4350 22 ## 72 mpfi 3.46 3.1 8.3 155 4750 16 ## 48 mpfi 3.63 4.17 8.1 176 4750 15 ## 49 mpfi 3.63 4.17 8.1 176 4750 15 ## 75 mpfi 3.8 3.35 8.0 184 4500 14 ## highway.mpg price ## 74 16 40960 ## 71 25 31600 ## 72 18 34184 ## 48 19 32250 ## 49 19 35550 ## 75 16 45400 In the next post we will see Handling Duplicates.